Quotient Release Notes
12 September 2024:
New: Proposal or Estimate wording options
- You can now present your Quotes to customers as a ‘Proposal’ or an ‘Estimate’.
Updates to Xero Invoice Due Date
- When Quotient creates an invoice in Xero, you now have more control over the Due Date that gets populated on the invoice.
See the new options in Create Invoices > Settings.
19 June 2024:
Performance Updates
- Speed improvements to the Search, Dashboard Stats, and general loading times. Accounts that have a large number of quotes accumulated over the years will notice a huge improvement here.
- Removed the auto-search as you type. You can hit Enter/Return on your keyboard, or hit the ‘Search’ button to get results.
18 May 2024:
Create Invoices Settings (for Xero and QuickBooks):
- The create invoice option “Let me decide” has been phased out. If you previously had this option selected, it will still be selected (in your settings), but it will now behave just like the “Complete” option. Accepted Quotes will display “Complete & Invoice” and “Create Invoice” under Actions. The reason for this change is to prevent a Quote from being completed without it being invoiced.
- Additional update: If you wish to bypass the “Create Invoice” step, you can now hit “Cancel”. This will allow you to complete without invoicing, as you could do previously.
10 May 2024:
Plan Name Changes:
- ‘One Man Band’ is now ‘Solo’
- ‘Business Time’ is now ‘Team’
6 May 2024:
Quote Versions:
- Introducing Quote Versions! Quotes now come with versions automatically built in – when taking them offline to edit and revise. Learn more in the blog…
Other Updates:
- Zapier Integration: Address field has been added to the ‘Create Lead’ Action.
- ‘Valid Until’ (date) is now ‘Expiry Date’ in Quote Settings and on Quotes.
- When you’re sending a Quote, and you’re on the email message screen, there’s now a handy ‘Show Quote Preview…’ so you can easily reference the Quote while you’re writing your email message.
- New Dashboard Message: If a contact in Quotient has the same first/last name as a contact in Xero or QuickBooks, but it has a different email address (and you attempt to create an invoice), rather than matching to what might be a different person, you’ll now be presented with a Dashboard Message advising what to do next.
- Increased the width of the New Quote > select Template drop-down to fit longer Quote Titles.
14 March 2024:
Updates to Contacts:
- Contacts now feature Street Address Lookup, simplifying the process of adding addresses.
- New optional field for Address: ‘Apt, Suite, Building’.
- Improvement to how address lines display on Quotes.
Updates to Leads:
- Option to display an address field on the Lead Form.
- Also includes the new Street Address Lookup.
19 February 2024:
Updates to Reviews:
- Reviews and Reviews Settings have been consolidated into one place.
- New option to qualify a Candidate based on when a Quote is Completed (previously, Accepted was the only option).
- New option, for after the customer has written a review (4+ stars), to include a link asking them for a Google Review or a Facebook Review.
Updates to Leads:
- Leads and Leads Settings have been consolidated into one place.
Other Updates:
- New and improved Checkboxes and Radio Buttons for Optional and Multiple Choice Items on quotes. They’re designed to stand out more, and they now take on your custom brand color.
- Tax rates are now ordered alphabetically by their Tax Name. This applies to Price Items on quotes, and in Sales Tax & Categories.
- Summary of Quotes CSV export now includes ‘First name’, ‘Last name’, and ‘Email’.
13 December 2023:
- Draft Quote: Can now go straight to ‘Sent - skip email’.
- Draft Quote: Can now go straight to ‘Accepted - on behalf’.
- Creating a New Contact: The ‘Create Contact’ / ‘Cancel’ buttons have been moved to the bottom of the form
- Private Notes: Added auto upper-case override for @mentions.
- ‘Change Status to’ menu now includes the current quote status. Active/Waiting/Complete have been removed from this menu.
- Accepted Quote: Complete is now a checkbox under ‘Actions’, and it’s much more prominent.
- Declined Quote: Dismissed is now a checkbox under ‘Actions’.
- Waiting is now a checkbox at the top right of the Quote Status.
- ‘Invoice Sent’ has been renamed to ‘Invoice Created’.
- Pull down to refresh (on edit screens) has been disabled on mobile.
- Open/View/Live colours have been restored, and tuned slightly.
29 November 2023
🔥 HOT TIP: Are you having trouble finding an old Action? Such as “edit a quote”, “mark as sent”, “accept on behalf”, or “undo the acceptance” etc. You can find all these (and more) under ‘Actions’ > ‘Change Status’ – simply choose your desired status. Learn more here…
Improved Private Notes, new Dashboard filter, new Quote status options, and changes to Actions/Settings:
Improved Private Notes – now included on Draft Quotes:
- Private Notes have been pulled out from the Questions & Answers section making it easier to read through discussions with the customer. Private Notes have been moved to the top, above the Quote.
- Private Notes can now be added while the Quote is still in draft or being edited, and (as was the only way previously) when the Quote has been sent.
- You can now @ mention one or more of your team to keep them in the loop.
New Dashboard filter: We / Me:
- If you work as part of a team, you can now filter Quotes on your Dashboard by ‘We’ or ‘Me’.
- The ‘We’ will display Quotes by everyone in your team, and the ‘Me’ will display just your Quotes – allowing you to focus on… just your Quotes.
Updates to the Quote Edit/View screens:
- The top section of the Quote Edit and Quote View screens have been redesigned, making them more consistent with each other, which also allows room for Private Notes on Draft Quotes.
A new place for ‘Actions’, and new Quote status options:
- The new and improved ‘Actions’ makes it easier to perform common tasks and change the status of your Quotes.
- You can now ‘Complete’ an Accepted Quote when the work is done, and ‘Dismiss’ a Declined Quote (we called this ‘Archive’ previously).
- There’s a completely new optional status, ‘Waiting’, which has been added for when things are on hold, helping you stay focused on the Quotes that need your attention.
Settings has a new home:
- Quotes with a Draft or Editing status can have their own settings applied, and these are now available under the ‘Settings’ tab.
- Any variations from your Quote Defaults will be featured as “settings applied” back under the main ‘Actions’ tab, so you can see at a glance any setting that is different from your Quote Defaults.
Other Updates:
30 days to recover deleted Draft Quotes:
- Now when you delete a Draft Quote (via ‘Actions’ > ‘Change Status’ > ‘Delete’), it won’t be permanently deleted until after 30 days. During this time it can be recovered by going to Quotes, filter by ‘Deleted’ (from the status dropdown), click into the Quote, go to ‘Actions’ > ‘Change Status’ and select ‘Active’.
Reset an Expired Quote
- You can now reset an Expired Quote, without needing to edit and update it. Go to ‘Actions’ > ‘Change Status’ and select ‘Sent – undo Expired’.
Updates to Questions & Answers:
- You’ll now see a handy label when a question needs answering. These labels will appear on the Dashboard and on Quotes. They’ll disappear when the question gets answered or dismissed.
- An ‘Answer Now’ link has been added above the Quote, making it easy to jump down and answer a question. Additionally, when clicking through from the Dashboard Message you’ll be jumped down to answer the question.
- Customers can no longer edit their question after they’ve posted it.
Quotes (browse screen):
- You can filter by ‘Accepted’ (from the status dropdown) and the ‘All’ tab (which was previously called ‘Current & Archived’). This will list ALL of your Accepted Quotes. Additionally, you can then click into the ‘Active’ tab (this was previously called ‘Current’) ...or... click into the ‘Complete’ tab (this was previously called ‘Archived’).
- New ‘Waiting’ tab.
Template Preview:
- There’s now a handy preview available when editing a Quote Template. Switch between ‘Edit’ and ‘Preview’ up on the top right corner.
Active > Live wording change:
- What was previously known as “Active” (when a customer was looking at your Quote in real-time) is now simply known as “Live”.
Dashboard Updates:
- New ‘Active’ and ‘Waiting’ tabs.
- Quotes that have an Editing status are now grouped up. Previously they were mixed in with Sent Quotes.
15 May 2023
New in Customer Emails & Templates:
Customer Emails & Templates:
- New and improved interface to support the new ‘Display Emails From’ and ‘Email Footers’.
- ‘Additional comments’ and ‘Order/reference number’ placeholders are no longer required in the email template for Accepted Quotes.
Display Emails From:
- You can now choose how your emails appear in your customer’s inbox. There are three options to choose from: ‘First Name from Company Name’ (new option), ‘Company Name’ (new option), or ‘First Name Last Name’.
Email Footers (Email Signatures):
- You can now have an Email Footer appended to all of your outgoing emails. Among other things, you can include your company logo, and some unique-to-you details like your job title, your phone, and even your profile photo.
Explore these updates in Account Settings > Customer Emails & Templates.
Other Updates:
- Confirmation screen for Quote Acceptance now displays your branded colors.
- New fields available on Your Profile: Job Title and Phone Number. These can be used in the new Email Footers and on quotes.
- Image upload size increased from 41 to 50 megapixels.
20 March 2023
New in Layout, Contact Info, Acceptance:
New Fonts:
- We’ve introduced six new fonts for quotes from Google Fonts Library. The new fonts are Merriweather, Montserrat, Playfair Display, Poppins, Roboto, and Roboto Serif.
Contact Information:
- You can now choose to display additional information about the Quote Author, such as Job Title and Phone, on quotes. This information is pulled from Your Profile. There’s also an option to not display the Quote Author at all, which might be desired for some businesses.
- We’ve made some tweaks to the contact information layout to accommodate these changes. If you use bold headings, the primary contact "from" and "for" names are now bolded.
- You can require your customers to draw their signature to accept quotes. They can also type their signature if they prefer.
- An option that may prove helpful for some customers is the ability to sign quotes using their touch devices. This is particularly useful for those who may find it challenging to sign using a mouse. When they sign using their touch device, their signature is automatically added to the quote.
Ability to update name when accepting:
- The person accepting the quote can now update their name if it's displayed incorrectly. This is helpful if the recipient forwards the quote to someone else to accept.
New Settings for Quote Acceptance:
- You now have more flexibility in what appears on the acceptance form. You can choose a simple acceptance statement or a statement with a required checkbox.
- You can also require customers to draw or type their signature.
- Optional acceptance fields include 'Additional Comments' and 'Order/Reference Number'.
Explore these updates in Account Settings > Layout, Contact Info, Acceptance.
Updates from the December 2021 Updates:
- Quote Edit: Hitting ‘Save’ now keeps you on the Quote Edit screen.
- ‘Saved Content’ has been changed back to ‘Templates & Items’, and ‘Saved Quotes’ have been changed back to ‘Templates’.
12 December 2022
Introduce a friend:
- New and and improved way for inviting your friends to try Quotient, simply by inputting their email addresses: https://go.quotientapp.com/referrals
- We’ve sweetened the deal for referred friends, by offering them 50% off their first 3 months. This is displayed to them when they visit the Quotient website and when they sign up for a trial.
- Previously there was an (opt in) option to have your link displayed in all your quote email footers. This option has now been removed.
Updates and bug fixes:
- Where shortened dates are used (i.e. on the Quotes browse screen) the current year is no longer displayed for quotes dated in the current year.
- Fixed a bug where looking up contacts with the identical names but with different email addresses would only display one result.
- PDFs over 5MB in size would cause an error. Now there’s effectively no size limit, as larger PDFs run through a different process.
26 August 2022
Updates and bug fixes:
- Blocked email address: You’ll now be notified via a Dashboard Message if you’ve attempted to send email to an address that had recently bounced. This could be an email address used in Email Notifications, or a new Team Member you’ve tried to invite.
- Fixed a bug where form inputs would collapse and expand on the latest version of Firefox.
- New billing system, using Stripe for processing Quotient monthly payments. We expect this will be more reliable, especially for customers whose banks require multi factor authentication for payments. AMEX cardholders can now pay in their own currency (USD, CAD, GBP, AUD).
- Multiple accounts: You can now use an existing payment method (card) when adding/updating details on additional accounts – so long as you were the original cardholder.
- Pagination 'Next →' on Quotes/Contacts screens: Fixed broken link.
- Schedule Email: More Options… The calendar picker button more accurately displays the scheduled email date/time. It previously rounded to the nearest hour.
- Schedule Email: If an email has been scheduled for a quote and it gets accepted, declined, or withdrawn prior to the Schedule Email date/time, then the scheduled email will be automatically cancelled and you’ll be notified on your Dashboard.
12 June 2022
- Schedule Email: You can schedule your emails so they’ll be delivered at a future time and date of your choosing.
- Stop Email: Whenever an email is sent (or scheduled) a notification will appear near the top of your screen, giving you the option to stop the email from sending.
- Footprint: When you’re done editing a Quote (or a Contact, or any Saved Content) and you return to the previous main screen, like the Dashboard, there’s now a handy ‘Footprint’ border highlight, so you can easily see where you’ve just come from.
- Added Vanuatu currency.
Updates and bug fixes:
- Update: If you click into a Draft Quote and nothing needs saving, there’s a button to take you back to the Dashboard (or to Quotes, if that’s where you came from). Previously this was just called ‘Cancel’, which caused some confusion.
- Update: If you hit ‘Preview & Send’ you’ll now get just a preview of the Quote (without the email message). Hitting the ‘Send…’ button lets you preview the email message on its own.
- Dismissing Follow-ups no longer loses the ‘Current’ filter status.
- The default Sales Category is now kept intact when an item is looked up from Xero or QuickBooks. Previously it would switch to the first in the drop-down.
- Added pagination to hosted Reviews pages, so now you’re not limited to 50 Reviews being displayed.
- Fixed height issue with embedded Leads and Reviews forms.
- Fixed issue with Long Description text area when browser screen was being resized.
- Saved Quotes > Saved Items (when an Item is linked and locked), the Options and Image buttons are now disabled in this view. Previously they only appeared disabled, but they still inadvertently functioned.
- Smart Tag bug: Previously, a quote with an unpopulated Smart Tag could be 'marked as sent' (via Actions).
- Customer Emails: Option to revert back to the default text.
- Customer Emails (Accepted Quote): Validation added for placeholders [Customer-comment] and [Customer-order-number].
- The Quote Viewed Email Notification will no longer be sent to a deleted Team Member (if they were the Quote Author).
20 December 2021
- From the Quotes screen you can now filter by ‘Active’ and ‘Unopened’ Quotes.
- Added scroll bars to all long dropdown menus, i.e. lookup results. This maintains your screen position and allows the results to be scrollable within the menu.
- Quote Edit > Settings Panel: Number of days left is now displayed with the Valid Until Date, and number of days ago is now displayed with the Quote Date (if the date is in the past).
- When a Quote is put into and Edited state, the Valid Until Date is now displayed in the Settings Panel, even if it is collapsed up.
5 December 2021
New: Active status indicator, for when a customer is viewing a Quote
- You can now see in real-time when a customer is viewing a Quote. This new ‘Active’ status indicator can be seen at a glance from the Dashboard, on the Quotes browse screen, and on the actual Quote. After a customer leaves the Quote this status will change to the last viewed time.
New floating Save Bar and Menu Bar:
- There’s now a floating Save Bar displayed on content editable screens. This makes it easier to save or progress to the next step, no matter where you are on the screen. When navigating around standard browse screens, such as Quotes or Contacts, the Menu Bar reappears when you scroll towards the end of the screen.
Quote Edit Updates:
- The process for sending a Quote has been streamlined for ease and speed, and now the email message is combined with the Quote Preview step. The ‘Save, Next…’ button has been renamed to ‘Preview & Send’.
- Now when you hit ‘Save’ you’ll be taken back to the Dashboard. You can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl S (Windows) or ⌘ S (Mac) to save and continue editing, or if you haven’t saved for 5 minutes you’ll be prompted with a ‘Save Now’ button, which will also allow you to continue editing.
- New Make Primary Contact: When adding multiple Contacts to a Quote you can now make one of them the ‘Primary Contact’. It’s now clearer who the Quote is “for” from the edit screen.
- New Duplicate Item: When editing a Quote or a Template, from under the + (add) button you can now duplicate a Price Item or a Text Item. Once you’ve duplicated an Item, a new Item will appear with all of the details from the original Item, where you can then tweak these details as needed.
- New Calendar Date Picker: for the Valid Until Date and the Quote Date.
- When adding new Items, the focused field will be positioned in the middle of the screen. This saves you from having to manually scroll to keep up with what you’re editing.
- New Adjustable Margin Percentage: You can now edit the margin percentage when editing a Price Item. Editing this allows you to maintain a clean margin percentage if you change the Unit Price.
- The Options and Attach buttons have been flipped around on Price Items. The cog icon for the Options button has been replaced with an ellipses icon, to better represent more options. The paperclip icon for the Attach button has been replaced with an image icon, as the majority of what gets uploaded here are images, not files.
- The Last Saved Reminder is now up in the Save Bar, and it no longer appears on smaller devices, like mobile phones.
- New Save Protection Warning: You’re now a little more protected in a Quote, Saved Quote, Item, or Contact if the same one is being edited in different browser tabs or on different devices. If it has been saved elsewhere since you opened it, and you then go to save it, you’ll be given the option (a warning) to replace the changes or cancel.
Quote Valid Until Date and Expiry Defaults:
- You can now choose to NOT display Hours and Minutes alongside the Valid Until Date. When ‘Display Hours and Minutes’ is unchecked (in Account Settings > Quote Defaults) your Quotes will expire at 12:00am on the Valid Until Date, which is the beginning of that day.
Templates & Items Updates:
- Templates & Items (up in the main Menu Bar) is now called Saved Content.
- These entities have had a name change to better reflect what they are. So in this context:
- Templates are now Saved Quotes
- Price Items are now Saved Price Items
- Text Items are now Saved Text Items
- Items (Text or Price) are now Saved Items
- When copying a Saved Item (via Actions > Copy), a link to the original Saved Item is added to the Recent Activity log.
- When you’re editing a Saved Quote, and you need to edit the details of a Saved Item, you now have two options under the ‘Edit Saved Item’ button:
- Copy and Edit as New: which copies it to a new Saved Item. This won’t affect any other Saved Quotes where the original Saved Item appears. You’ll also have the option to ‘Revert to Saved Item’ if you change your mind while editing. ...or...
- Change Existing: Edit the Saved Item and allow it to update on all other Saved Quotes where that Saved Item appears (previously this was the only option).
- Item Headings are no longer required when creating or editing Price Items and Text Items.
- If you search/filter for an Item, then edit it, upon saving you’ll be taken back to your search results, rather than the list of Items.
Changes to Search Results:
- Search results are now much faster, and they’re displayed as you type (excludes the Dashboard search). The ‘X’ (cancel) button is now called ‘Show All’.
Confirmation/Error Messages and Button Styles:
- Friendly confirmation messages now appear towards the bottom of the screen in a charcoal color.
- The more persistent error messages still appear at the top of the screen and are now colour-coded depending on the severity, i.e. red for a hard error that requires action, or green for an important information message. Buttons have had a minor facelift.
Avatar/Profile Images:
- By default, all avatar/profile images are now drawn from the first letter of the first and last name, or from the first letter of the company name. To override this on your profile you can still upload your own image in Personal Settings > Your Profile. We have dropped support for the Gravatar service on Contacts.
Other Updates:
- Dropdown menus (such as starting a Quote from a Saved Quote, or Lookup results etc.) can now be controlled with your keyboard, using the up/down arrow keys.
- The Draft, Accepted, and Declined labels have been removed from Quotes listed on the Dashboard.
- Dashboard Stats: With new accounts, the current ‘Year’ and ‘Month’ options are now available in the ‘Display from’ dropdown menu. All of these dropdown menus are now "sticky".
- New Linked Phone Numbers: Customer phone numbers on Quotes, Contacts, and Leads are now linked – click/tap to call. This means it’s now a lot easier to make calls, especially from mobile devices.
- Withdrawn Quotes no longer trigger a Quote View. This is because none of the content is viewable on a Withdrawn Quote, which is consistent with Quotes that are offline and being edited.
- Inviting Team Members: This is now a lot easier, as you no longer need to enter first and last names – only an email address is required. Multiple email addresses separated by a comma can be entered to speed up the process.
20 New Industry-specific Quote Examples:
- Appliance Repair
- Asbestos Testing
- Auto Body
- Decking
- Double Glazing
- Fire Protection
- Hen and Stag
- Land Surveying
- Locksmith
- Marketing
- Mechanic
- Mobile App Development
- Photo Editing
- Pool Construction
- Powder Coating
- Property Management
- Roofing
- Venue Hire
- Wedding Planner
- Yacht Charter
2 April 2021
Update Contact & Resend:
- Handling bounced emails is even easier with Quotient. Now when you receive a bounced email notification, you can click (from this email notification) to quickly update the email address and resend the quote, all in one easy step.
Email Updates:
- We’ve upgraded the email platform for all outbound email.
- Emails sent via @quotientapp.com (i.e. when not using Custom Domains for Email) now have the “from” address mail@quotientapp.com. Previously it was mail@e.quotientapp.com.
23 December 2020
New DKIM signing:
- We’ve improved the way that Custom Email Addresses (now called Custom Domains for Email) is handled in Quotient. This now includes Full Sender Verification, with DKIM, SPF and MX records.
- To upgrade see Account Settings > Add-ons > Custom Domains for Email.
- General updates and improvements to Settings (now called Account Settings). Your Profile is now called Personal Settings and is in its own area.
- Added a quick search for Account Settings and Personal Settings.
- Manage your email addresses in Personal Settings, i.e. if you want to use a from-email that’s different from your Sign In email, or if you have multiple accounts and want to use a different from-email for each account – this can all be managed from one screen, no matter what account is selected.
Bug fixes:
- Print PDF: Fixed a bug where Youtube videos would come out as a black box, or where they would fail to generate the PDF.
- Images: Fixed a bug where some image formats would fail to upload.
2 June 2020
Emoji Support:
- You can now include emoji characters in your quotes, emails, comments, and private notes 😎👍
29 February 2020
More Quote Examples:
- We’ve added a range of additional quote examples to provide you with some inspiration. These quote examples can give you a different perspective, and allow you to explore and experience key features from a customer’s perspective.
22 November 2019
Mobile “web app” support for iOS and Android:
- Quotient can now be installed as a stand-alone app on your mobile device. iOS and Android are fully supported. Past limitations, e.g. where Quotient would reset to the Dashboard if you quit or switched between apps, has been resolved.
Learn more in the help article…
10 March 2019
New, Two-Factor Authentication:
- Two-Factor adds optional security to your account.
- Dashboard Stats now include a ‘365 days’ filter.
- The Team Members list now displays ‘last activity date’ on each Team Member.
- Export Quotes (and Quotes, Price Items): New select by year to download CSV.
- All new JavaScript. Modern browsers, such as IE 10 and above required.
- Removed ‘Add to Home Screen’ functionality for iOS (or Android equivalent), which used open Quotient as a mobile “web app”. It now opens in the browser, which is more reliable.
- Quote Views: Improved reliability for older browsers.
4 September 2018
Updates to Hide Pricing Details:
- You can now hide all pricing details on your Price Items while showing quantities only.
Learn more in the help article…
New, Embed Videos:
- YouTube and Vimeo videos can now be embedded into any Item Description on your Quotes.
Learn more in the help article…
6 August 2018
New, Reviews:
- You can now effortlessly collect Reviews & Feedback from your customers, then feature the best Reviews on new Quotes.
Read the blog post and watch video…
Updates to Exports:
- Added new export for Price Items on Quotes.
Learn more in the help article…
3 August 2018
Quote Edit Updates:
- New 'Quote Settings' section up in top right of the Quote, with need-to-know details. Most of these details are not displayed unless they differ from your Quote Defaults. Hit 'Show All…' to reveal all and to override any current settings.
- Added the ability to modify the Quote Date.
- The Quote Number is now displayed on the Quote Edit screen, after a Draft Quote is first saved.
24 June 2018
New Action Buttons in Emails + Quote Viewed Email Notification:
- The link to your Quotes is now a prominent button, colored to match the style of your Quotes.
- Get notified by email when a customer views a Quote.
Read the blog post for more details…
- New 'Customer Company' placeholder in Customer Emails.
- Visual updates to Dashboard messages and notifications.
- Interface enhancements to 'Ask a Question' on Quotes, and to 'Add a Comment' / 'Add a Private Note' for Quote Authors.
8 April 2018
New, Leads:
- Your customers can now send a new request online, directly to you – and into Quotient, ready to be converted into a quote.
Read the blog post and watch video…
Updates to Zapier Integration:
- Added Create Lead Action.
- Added Create Contact Action.
- So now when an event triggers in another Zapier connected app, an action can be performed in Quotient. Learn more about Quotient and Zapier.
3 November 2017
Use our Quote Examples for free:
- You can now click the 'Use this example' button on any of our Quote Examples, and have it populate into a new Quote, in your own account. From there you can tweak to suit, and save it as a Template.
28 August 2017
- Redesigned Settings screen.
- Settings now includes an all-new Add-ons section (previously found under Integrations).
- Your account name and profile avatar now display in the top-right of the main menu header. This is handy to see, particularly if you have multiple accounts.
- The main menu header has changed from Quotient blue to Quotient charcoal.
- Increased size of blue ‘New’ buttons.
- Added ‘SENT’ labels to Quotes that are ‘Awaiting Acceptance’.
New, Zapier Integration:
- Zapier connects Quotient to lots of other web apps, allowing you to streamline and automate your workflow. Learn more about Quotient and Zapier.
New, Webhooks for Developers:
- You can now register Webhooks for various events that happen in a particular Quotient Account. The moment an event fires, you’ll receive a payload of data in JSON format. Read more about Webhooks for Developers.
2 July 2017
Item Edit: Toolbar changes:
- Centered Item toolbar.
- Removed the words “Options” and “Attach”.
- Split Item options into two menus:
- Cog icon menu: Allows you to enable advanced Item options.
- Plus icon menu: To easily add Text or Price Items and Subtotals.
Item Edit: Field changes:
- Simplified layout for Item Code/Heading/Description.
- Added labels to Unit Price, Quantity, and Item Total.
- Editable Quantity: Now displayed with the Quantity label.
- Distinctive highlights on the Discount, Subscription, and Cost Price field sets.
- Re-ordered fields, so that the Unit Price, Quantity, and Item Total fields will always appear last.
Item Edit: Cost Price field changes:
- When the Cost Price is updated on an Item, where possible, the margin % will remain the same. Previously the Unit Price would remain the same and the margin % would adjust.
Add extra details to New Contacts:
- When creating a new Contact from the Quote Edit Screen, you’ll now also be able to add phone and address details.
11 April 2017
Get your Quotient invoice by email:
- You can now opt-in to receive invoices by email, go to Settings > Billing Overview, and hit Enable Email Invoices.
- Highlight the margin in RED instantly whenever it goes below zero %.
22 March 2017
New and Improved: Lookup Items by any word:
- Lookup Items by any word within an Item Heading (i.e. you no longer need to know the first word).
Read more tips in the help article...
- You can now paste “$” and “,” characters into Price Item fields.
5 December 2016
Referral program:
- You can now introduce a friend to Quotient, and once they become a paid customer you’ll earn credit on your account.
- You’ll get your own referral link to track referrals.
- Automate referrals by choosing to display your referral link in Customer Emails.
Read the blog post for more details…
Import your data:
- Import Contacts.
- Import Price Items and Text Items (includes the ability to update existing Items).
Read the blog post for more details…
- New option for linking text words in your Quote long descriptions. See the text formatting help article for more details.
4 September 2016
Questions & Answers
- Add files and images when discussing the Quote. Customers can add these to questions. Authors can add these to comments, answers, and private notes.
- Anyone can now edit their own Q&A posts.
- Green background on private notes, to distinguish from comments/questions.
Digital Fingerprint:
- To help identify and track acceptance activity, all accepted Quotes now record a Digital Fingerprint of the person accepting the Quote. Read more in this support article.
- New placeholders for Customer Emails [Your-first-name] [Your-email] [Quote-number]
26 July 2016
A simple calculator:
- Any number field inside a Quote can now be used to perform simple calculations.
Email Notifications:
- Reduced clutter from all emails.
- Improvements to discussion emails.
19 June 2016
A new look for Quotes:
- Quotes get a brand new look, with a range of new options allowing you to tailor the look and feel of your Quotes like never before.
- New layout options.
- New color picker, algorithmically picks colors from your logo.
- Quote preview (before publishing).
Read the blog post for more details…
Quote appearance enhancements:
- Increased font size for better readability.
- Increased gallery image thumbnail size.
- Attached file style tweaks.
- Highlights on items selected now apply to the price column only.
- For clarity, required items no longer have ticks to differentiate from optional items which have checkboxes.
- Items that are optional have clickable link headings.
Cost price & margin:
- The cost price & margin is now displayed on individual items when viewing the Quote. As always, this information is never visible to the customer.
New feature: Multiple choice items:
- Nominate a group of items to be multiple choice, where your customer can choose only one item from a group.
3 March 2016
- Options to hide/show currency symbol and currency code on Quotes. See Settings > Quote defaults.
- Currency symbol is no longer shown next to the price on Quote items.
- Editable quantity: If an item is optional (and not selected), when the customer changes the quantity the item will also automatically become selected.
- A price item can now be saved with only the ‘item code / ID’ field filled in.
26 February 2016
Improving email delivery:
- You can now choose from two options of email delivery, via Quotient or via your own domain.
- Email domain verification (SPF record checks) if you use your own domain.
Read the blog post for more details…
- If another team member (who wasn’t the quote author) posted a comment on a quote it would appear to come from the quote author. This has changed so that the comment now comes from the team member who posted the comment, as you’d expect.
14 February 2016
- Follow-up alerts on your Dashboard!
- Manual follow-up anytime from inside the quote, under ‘Actions’.
Read the blog post for more details…
- Editing an expired quote auto-updates the ‘valid until’ date (e.g. 30 days from now).
User interface improvements:
- Newly designed quote information panel (for authors), with quick access to quote activity.
- Quote last viewed now displayed on Dashboard and Quotes screens.
- New quote status labels on Dashboard and Quotes screens.
- Dashboard: Display last action date on quotes. ‘Awaiting acceptance’ block reordered to show before ‘Accepted’ and ‘Declined’ block.
9 February 2016
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug where removing an item from a template would delete any images/files attached to associated item.
- Added validation to check that ‘item code / ID’ is unique when copying an item.
20 November 2015
- Date formats on quotes and throughout the app are now available in US format (November 20, 2015).
1 November 2015
New integration with MailChimp:
- Import your current Quotient contacts into a MailChimp subscription list, and continue to automatically copy contacts to MailChimp every time a quote is sent.
Read the blog post for more details…
New integration with QuickBooks Online:
- Create draft invoices in QuickBooks from accepted quotes.
- Lookup QuickBooks customers when adding contacts to quotes.
- Lookup QuickBooks products/services when adding items to quotes.
Read the blog post for more details…
Xero integration update:
- Invoice due date field (in Integrations > Xero > Create invoices > Settings) is now optional. Leaving this field empty will let your Xero defaults determine the invoice due date.
- Integrations has been moved out of Settings and now sits in the top-right menu drop-down (under the gear icon).
- Item ‘account codes’ is are now called ‘sales categories’.
25 August 2015
New integration with Insightly:
- Lookup Insightly contacts when adding contacts to quotes.
- Send a copy of new quote and acceptance emails to a contact in Insightly.
Read the blog post for more details…
22 June 2015
Quotient now 100% mobile:
- Whatever the device or screen size, Quotient now adapts for a smoother experience.
- New responsive user interface throughout app and customer quotes.
- Increased font size for better readability.
File upload enhancements:
- Drag and drop files onto an item to upload.
- Attach multiple files at once.
- Upload progress indicator.
30 March 2015
- Download your data: contacts, quotes and template items.
- Improvements to discussions.
- New Notifications: New quote sent.
- Add Customer Emails to Capsule or Highrise contacts.
- Create quotes: within other apps with an embedded link (such as Xero, Capsule).
User interface improvements:
- Dashboard Stats - replaced figure ‘sent quotes’ for ‘awaiting acceptance’ or ‘not accepted’ as matches percent figures in pie chart.
- Dashboard notices, general visual improvements
- Close private note (from Dashboard) if clicked from email Notification.
- Moved profile into settings.
- Moved ‘Set email from address for this account’ into profile.
- Renamed ‘Settings’, previously ‘Account settings’.
- Renamed ‘Integrations’, previously ‘Add-ons’.
- Renamed ‘Account owner’ as better reflects actual role (previously ‘Billing contact’).
- Display Account owner name to non-administrators (under Settings).
- Added textile to discussion posts (bold, italic, bullets, links).
- Added person avatar when posting to discussions.
- Retina-fied images (person avatars, integration logos).
- New default person and company avatar images.
- Square cropped person avatars, maximizing your good looks.
- Simplified contact wording (Website & Social).
- Added author to blogs - we’re after fame as well as fortune.
Bug fixes:
- Copy template item - fixed file attachment bug (deleting new file would also remove from original).
- Copy template item - fixed missing filename when copied.
- Template - item code not unique (bug) when copy quote to template. Fixed by checking first if matching item code over any other details (item code is king).
- Fixed sticky dashboard notices (some you could not dismiss).
- Cache busting fix, when reactivating deactivated account.
- Non-administrators can no longer copy a quote to a template.
9 March 2015
- Quote values displayed on Dashboard, Quotes and acceptance emails (author only).
- Partial keyword search now supported on the quote search.
- The quote number is now displayed on the dashboard.
- Quote author options simplified (under ‘Actions’).
- Quote acceptance email (to quote author) now includes link that requires sign-in (can save counting customer view when accidentally signed out).
- Simplified ‘Withdrawn’ status, removed ‘Revoked’ and replaced with consistent behaviour.
- A withdrawn quote is now not counted in dashboard stats.
- Allow ‘Withdraw’’ on expired quotes.
- Allow ‘Decline’ on expired quotes, helpful to provide feedback.
- Status wording ‘Awaiting acceptance’ – previously ‘Sent’.
User interface improvements:
- Use of colour and labels to indicate quote status.
- Improved Private notes – quick ‘Reply’ added.
- Increased the size of the ‘Accept quote’ button.
- Quote customer view: branded border style used on input focus.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed bug in some browsers where attaching an item file would scroll to top.
- Fixed quoted value, sometimes inaccurate when quote edited and item removed.
16 February 2015
Improved dashboard stats:
- Choose to view by total value, average value and count.
- Select a specific time period to display.
- Hover any point in time to see more detail.
- See ‘quotes sent’ as well as ‘accepted’.
- A pie chart of all quotes for the selected time period.
Read the blog post for more details…
9 February 2015
Create a template from an existing quote:
- You can now create a template from an existing quote. All items in a template will also be saved as template items, meaning they will appear in item lookup results when creating new quotes.
Read the blog post for more details…
User interface improvements:
- Xero account codes and Xero tax rates – simplified field matching interface.
- Template edit screen now has a more distinct look.
- Linked item placeholder text (e.g. Longer description, Quantity) has been lightened.
Bug fixes:
- Long term session handling – fixed a bug where a quote author would be signed out if Quotient was running in multiple browser tabs.
23 November 2014
Cost price & margin:
- Added optional cost price field to items.
- If a cost price field is filled in, then a margin amount and percentage will display in the total.
- Added a default margin in ‘Quote defaults’.
Item visibility:
- Added the ability to hide the item total, unit price, quantity and item code while editing a quote or a template.
- Fields and text marked in green are hidden from your customers.
- Added the ability to insert a subtotal anywhere throughout a quote or a template.
Customer editable quantities:
- Added the ability to allow your customer to change the quantity when they accept the quote.
Subscription prices:
- Added an optional term field.
- Added a new subscription type: ‘year’.
- Display changes: ‘/ 1 month’ will now display as ‘per month’, ‘/ 3 months’ will now display as ‘per 3 months’ etc.
Item with quantity display changes:
- Next to the unit price (on the quote view) we’ve removed the word ‘each’ and the word ‘Quantity’ has been substituted with an ‘x’. This is more fitting with how the editable quantity is displayed and is more user-friendly when quoting on things that are not “units” as such... like hours, days, measurements etc.
Field size increases:
- Unit price and cost price fields now support 4 decimal places.
- Unit price, cost price and item total fields have been increased to allow up to 17 digits.
Templates & Items:
- When editing an item you can now see which template (or templates) the item appears on. This is especially handy to know if it appears on multiple templates.
- Added the ability to copy an item (when in the item edit view).
- Ability to create a template which has a text item at the top and no price items on the template.
Image attachments:
- Image thumbs and large views now support retina displays.
- The large view size has been increased and the compression quality is
- Added a ‘Download’ button (to download original file).
- Attaching images taken on a phone/tablet now retain their correct orientation (e.g. photos taken in portrait will come out in portrait).
- Attaching images that are in CMYK (print) colour format now upload correctly.
Xero integration:
- Support for the cost price field for inventory item lookups.
- Support for 4 decimal places on inventory item lookups and creating invoices in Xero.
- Quotes with additional subscription price totals will now also create separate invoices in Xero.
- Item discounts on a quote now show in the discount column on the Xero invoice.
- A quote-wide discount now shows as a negative value line item on the Xero invoice.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a timezone bug where the author’s timezone would default to Auckland/NZ if they were invited to an account. Timezone has been modified to match that of the account they were invited to.
- Fixed a double click bug which would occur in some places.
- Fixed a bug where in certain versions of Firefox adding a phone number to a contact would not save the phone number.
User interface improvements:
- New dashboard icons for questions, private notes and announcements.
- Redesigned the contact lookups and the create a new contact on the fly interface.
- Important quote information is now grouped up in the top right of the quote edit view. Includes quote author, expiry date, currency, amounts entered, visibility and quote-wide discount.
- Redesigned the item highlight and item tool panel.
- Green fields and text styles for hidden information has been carried through to private notes.
- Improved search filters (Quotes, Contacts, Items etc.)
29 April 2014
Quote appearance and layout options:
- Added two new layout options with a less prominent quote number
- Added option to choose your own colours for buttons, links and highlights
- Added three more font options: Tahoma, Georgia and Times New Roman
Account ‘options’ menu:
- Quickly navigation for account settings, your profile, Help & Support and sign out.