Text Formatting

To add a little pizzazz to your Quotes, apply some basic formatting to your Long Description text, such as bold, italic, lists, and links.

Text Formatting

When editing, do this…

which will display as…

Bold Text: These words will *display as bold* These words will display as bold
Italic Text: These words will _display as italic_ These words will display as italic
Bullet List: A list of things:
* bullet list item one
* bullet list item two
** a list inside a list
* bullet list item three
A list of things:
  • bullet list item one
  • bullet list item two
    • a list inside a list
  • bullet list item three
Text Link: "Google":https://www.google.com Google
URL Link:* https://www.google.com https://www.google.com

*A plain URL (starting with https) is automatically linked.

Also, learn how to embed videos or add files and images to your Quotes.