Quote Statuses

Quotes undergo various status changes throughout their lifecycle, reflecting their progress from initial creation to final resolution.

Understanding these statuses will help you to manage your Quotes effectively, and maintain an organized workflow. Each status provides essential information about the Quote's current state and next available 'Action(s)'.


Draft Quote

All Quotes begin in Draft, a temporary status while they are being worked on.

  • Customers cannot see Draft Quotes.
  • Only Draft Quotes can be deleted.
  • Private Notes can be added at this early stage.


Sent Quote

The Quote has been emailed to the customer, awaiting acceptance.

  • You can skip the email step and "mark as sent" by changing the status to Sent.
  • A view will be triggered when the customer opens the Quote.
  • You can edit and resend a Sent Quote.
  • A Sent Quote can be accepted or declined on behalf of the customer.


Editing Status

Edit a Sent Quote, by changing the status to Editing.

  • While you're editing, all of the item details will be hidden from your customer.
  • For your peace of mind, a version will be saved under 'All Activity'.


Accepted Status

This is the desired status.

  • A customer would have accepted the Quote by hitting the 'Accept Quote' button. Or, a Quote Author accepted it on behalf of the customer.
  • If circumstances change, you have the ability to undo the acceptance, which reverts the status back to Sent.


Expired Status

Sent Quotes automatically expire, based off the Expiry Date.

  • Expired Quotes don't show on the Dashboard.
  • A customer can view an Expired Quote, but they can no longer accept it.
  • You can edit and resend an Expired Quote. The Expiry Date will be reset automatically.


Declined Status

A customer can decline a Quote. If they do, they're required to enter feedback before declining.

  • A customer can view a Declined Quote, but they can no longer accept it.
  • You can decline on behalf of the customer.
  • If circumstances change, a Quote Author has the ability to undo the declined status.


Withdrawn Status

You can Withdraw a Quote at any stage, apart from those in Draft or with an Editing status. Once a Quote has been withdrawn:

  • The customer can no longer see any of the Quote detail, i.e. Price Items and Text Items.
  • Quote values are not counted in the Dashboard Stats.
  • You can undo the Withdrawn status.

Other Statuses

Active / Waiting

Waiting Status

By default, all Draft, Sent, Editing, Accepted, and Declined (by the customer) Quotes are assigned the Active status. Waiting can be applied to any of these Quotes, for example if things are on hold, which helps you stay focused on the Quotes that need your attention.

  • There are Active and Waiting tabs on the Dashboard, and on the Quotes browse screen.
  • Waiting is automatically removed if another status takes priority. For example, when a Quote gets accepted it would become Active again, and a Sent Quote would lose it's Waiting status when it expires.

Complete / Dismissed

Complete Status

Complete is the final stage for Accepted Quotes, and Dismissed is the final stage for Declined Quotes.

  • Completing/Dismissing a Quote will remove it from the Dashboard.
  • Quotes with these statuses are searchable in 'Quotes'.
  • If you integrate with Xero or QuickBooks you can have an invoice created when the Quote is Complete. To bypass invoicing but mark a Quote as Complete, just hit 'Cancel' next to Create Invoice and the option to Complete will appear.
  • If you use Reviews, you can trigger a Review request to be sent once a Quote is Complete.