Quote Expiry Date

Set a Default Expiry Date

Go to Account Settings → Quote Defaults and enter the number of days that you want your Quotes to remain valid for, before they’ll automatically expire.

You also have the option to choose whether or not to display Hours and Minutes alongside the Expiry Date. With ‘Display Hours and Minutes’ unchecked your Quotes will expire at 12:00am on the Expiry Date (the beginning of that day).

Changing the Expiry Date on a Quote

At times you may need to change the Expiry Date for a particular Quote. You can do this while editing the Quote, via ‘Settings’ > ‘Expiry Date’.

What happens when a Quote Expires?

Once a Quote has expired, a customer can still view the Quote but they can no longer accept it. If you choose to edit an Expired Quote, the Expiry Date will reset automatically (based on your defaults).