Email Footers

The Email Footer is automatically appended to all of your outgoing emails. It can include your company logo, and some unique-to-you details like your job title, your mobile phone, and even your profile photo – your own ‘email signature’.

Email Footer


The main components of the Email Footer are made up of placeholders which are automatically populated from your existing data.

Placeholder Examples:


Disable/Enable the Email Footer

You can configure the Email Footer in Account Settings → Customer Emails & Templates → Email Footer.

Disable the Email Footer:

  1. Empty the contents of the Email Footer field.
  2. Hit ‘Save’.

Enable the Email Footer:

  1. Add your placeholders and relevant text to the Email Footer field.
  2. Hit ‘Save’.

TIP: To explore what’s possible, try one of the examples by hitting the ‘Copy This’ button, then modify to suit.