Price Items – Import / Export

You can import/export Price Items from:
Account Settings → Import / Export Data

Data Structure

The Price Items data structure is the same for imports and exports.

Field Sample value
Item ÏĐ 12345
Item code 10-DP
Item title 10 dinner plates
Long description A detailed explanation...
Cost price 90.00
Unit price 100.00
Quantity 10
Discount 20
Item total 1000.00
Sales category Sales
Tax rate 10% tax
Subscription Month, 1, 12
Editable quantity Editable
Optional Optional, selected
Last changed 2024-01-01 23:00:00

Import Price Items

Follow the instructions you see on screen:

  1. Download a CSV file.
  2. Use a spreadsheet to update/copy Items.
    • Leave the first row of field names untouched, as this is needed to import.
    • Use the ‘Item ÏĐ’ or ‘Item code’ to update Items.
    • Items will NEVER be deleted.
    • A maximum of 1,000 Items can be imported at a time.
      (a limit of 5,000 Price Items in total are supported in Quotient)
  3. Select your updated file and confirm.

Things to know:

  • An ‘Item code’ OR ‘Item title’ is required (i.e. at least one is required).
  • ‘Unit price’ wins over ‘Item total’ (if calculated differently).
  • If the ‘Cost price’ is specified then the ‘Unit price’ should also be specified. Neglecting this will prevent your item prices from calculating automatically.
  • Leave ‘Sales category’ empty to use the default.
  • Leave ‘Tax rate’ empty to use the default.
  • Specify an existing ‘Tax rate’ by name (i.e. it must already exist).
  • Specify an existing ‘Sales category’ by name (i.e. it must already exist).
  • To specify an Item with a ‘Subscription’, here are some examples:
    • Month, 1, 12 ← translates to “per month (for 12 months)”
    • Month, 6, 12 ← translates to “per 6 months (for 12 months)”
    • Month, 3 ← translates to “per 3 months”
    • Week, 5, 20 ← translates to “per 5 weeks (for 20 weeks)”.
  • To specify an Item as ‘Optional’, enter one of the following possible values:
    • Optional
    • Optional, selected
    • Multiple choice
    • Multiple choice, selected.
  • Just leave ‘Last changed’ empty (it will be ignored anyway).
  • What are the ‘special’ characters in the Item ÏĐ’ field? We use these special characters (UTF-8 characters) to verify that the CSV file you’re importing is UTF-8 encoded.

Updating Price Items

You can choose from one of two unique fields to update Price Items.

  • ‘Item ÏĐ’ – this is generated by Quotient (use it by downloading an export).
  • ‘Item code’ – this is yours to define.

The following rules are used to update Price Items:

  1. If you specify an ‘Item ÏĐ’:
    • An existing item with that ‘Item ÏĐ’ MUST exist.
  2. If you specify an ‘Item code’:
    • Any existing item with that ‘Item code’ will be updated.
  3. If you specify both ‘Item ÏĐ’ and ‘Item code’:
    • ‘Item ÏĐ’ wins.

To import Price Items from another account, you’ll need to empty the data from the ‘Item ÏĐ’ column for Price Items to be created in the new account. Learn more about importing Items from one account to another.

Export Price Items

Things to know:

  • Images and files attached to Items are not included.
  • ‘Last changed’ dates and times are formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS and are exported in your timezone (the timezone of the person currently signed in).