Templates – Getting Started

Templates are collections of Linked Items (Price Items and Text Items). They'll save you lots of time when creating new Quotes and they'll help to maintain consistency by having your ideal Quote all laid out.

All Team Members can use Templates to create new Quotes, but only those with Admin Access can manage Templates.

Create a new Template

To create a Template from scratch, go to Templates & Items, select the Templates tab and hit 'New Template' (top right).

When editing a Template you can:

  • Create new Items on the fly (these become 'linked' Items once saved).
  • Lookup existing Items and add them to the Templates.
  • Apply an overall Quote discount.
  • Change a few defaults for a Quote, such as currency and amounts entered.
  • Copy a Template, into a new Template.

Copy an existing Quote to a Template

A great way to create a Template is to start with a copy of a battle-tested existing Quote:

  1. Open the Quote you wish to create a Template from.
  2. Under ‘Actions’ hit ‘Copy to’ and select ‘Template’.
  3. Hit ‘Save’.

Your Template will now be saved to Templates, and your Items will be saved into the Price Items and Text Items sections. This means you'll also have these Items at your fingertips via autocomplete when adding new Items to a new Quote.

An important thing to note: When copying to a Template, 'Item Code' wins. If an existing Item is found with a matching Item Code, then the existing Item will be used (Item Codes are a unique identifier, so we can't create two slightly different Items with the same Item Code).

Items – are linked to Templates

The beauty of Templates is that all Items are linked Items. If you make changes to a Linked Item, those changes will be reflected on all Templates where that Linked Item appears, e.g. if you need to make changes to your payment terms, and it's the same Text Item that's used on five Templates, you'll only need to change the one Linked Item and you're done.

If you'd rather not update an existing Linked Item, you also have the option to edit a Linked Item as a copy, via the ‘Copy and Edit as New’ option. This copies it to a new Item, and won’t affect any other Templates where the original Linked Item appears. To do this, just hit 'Edit Linked Item', and select 'Copy and Edit as New', then 'Save'.

Copy and Edit as New

To edit any existing Price Item or Text Item on a Template, just hit 'Edit Linked Item'.

Also, see Editing Price Items.

Set a default

Your default Template will be marked with a star icon and bumped to the top of the list of Templates, ready to create a Quote from anytime you hit the 'New Quote' button.

To set a default Template for new Quotes:

  1. Find the Template you want as the default and edit it.
  2. Under ‘Actions’ hit ‘Make default’.

Create a new Quote from a Template

From the Dashboard, select one of your Templates from the drop-down.

Everything is all laid out - Price Items, Text Items and Options. Add a Contact, populate any Smart Tags and continue to send the Quote as you normally would – it's that simple!