Zapier – Getting Connected

How it Works with Quotient

When an event triggers in Quotient, an action can be performed in another Zapier connected app. For example, when a Quote is accepted in Quotient, a new card can be created in Trello.

Similarly, when an event triggers in another Zapier connected app, an action can be performed in Quotient. For example, when a contact is added to Google Contacts, a new contact can be created in Quotient.

Anyone can build workflows with just a few clicks. The Zapier editor is made for do-it-yourself automation, meaning you can setup Zaps without any developer help.

Supported Triggers

Customer Asked Question
Triggers when a Customer asks a New Question.

Customer Viewed Quote
Triggers every time a Customer views a Quote. Note: Concurrent views within a 6 hour period will fire a trigger on the first-view only.

Quote Accepted
Triggers when a Quote is Accepted.

Quote Sent
Triggers when a New Quote is first Sent.

Quote Declined
Triggers when a Quote is Declined.

Supported Actions

Create Lead
Creates a New Lead.

Create Contact
Creates a New Contact. Note: If a Contact with the same email address already exists then the action will be ignored.

The Zap Log - in Quotient

You can access a log of events triggered in Quotient:
Account Settings → Connected Apps → Zapier

From here you can replay past events by hitting ‘Replay Event’. It can take a few minutes for replayed events to display in the log (to check, hit ‘Refresh Log’).

Events in the log will be kept for up to 7 days.

Things to note

  • Only people with Admin Access can connect Zapier to Quotient.
  • Multiple line items are supported. However, be aware of the nuances of how different apps treat tax calculations. For example, Quotient calculates tax on each line item total and rounds this to 2 decimal places before calculating the next line item. Other apps may calculate tax on the grand total, therefore you could end up with non-matching total values.
  • Dates and times are in UTC. Learn how to Modify Dates & Times in Zapier.
  • Quotes that have been accepted on behalf of the customer will display as “Accepted by the person who it was accepted on behalf of”.

Field Types of Interest

You’ll see a full list of fields available in the Zapier Triggers.

Field Name Notes on values
event_name The name of the event triggered, with possible values:
first_sent This is the Quote Date
amounts_are Indicates if Price Item amounts include tax or not.
Possible values are:
"Tax Exclusive (Inclusive Total)"
"Tax Exclusive"
"Tax Inclusive"
"No Tax"
item_headings A single text field containing all Price Items, with each heading on its own line, eg:
Widget Title
A Second Widget Title
Final Widget Title
You could use this to display a simple list as text in an email, for example.
selected_items Contains an array of all selected Price Items
selected_items → subscription The subscription value contains 3 comma separated components, eg:
Month, 3, 12
Meaning: "per 3 months, for a 12 month term"

An example, with no term:
Month, 1
Meaning: "per month" (no term specified)
quote_for → phone Only the first phone is included
quote_for → address Only the first address is included

Ready to Get Started?

Creating Zaps takes place in Zapier, so you’ll need to sign up with Zapier if you haven’t already. To get started, you can start with a Popular Zap below.