Prepared for Scarlett Richards
by Full Flight Life Coaching
16180 July 27, 2024 August 31, 2024

Career Development Package

Reach higher heights

Just as the best athletes rely on coaches and personal trainers to refine skills and maintain direction and focus, everyday people can benefit from actionable advice and guidance on how to consciously pursue personal and professional goals.

About your coach, Helena Moore

Helena Moore has coached thousands of individuals and groups over her 25 year career to reinvigorate their path, define and tackle holistic growth, and break through periods of stagnancy with purpose and clear perspective.

Helena will work with you weekly in person, followed up by email correspondence, to keep you goal oriented and on track.

Helena Moore
Helena Moore
Helena Moore

Tailored specifically for your needs

Our 3 month Full Flight package ensures that each interaction distills your valuable time into bite sized chunks that refine your focus.

Over the course of these months you will hone goals and boundaries that empower you to set out on the path to personal fulfilment with the appropriate personal skill set required to truly succeed.

3 Month Full Flight Career Development Package

Work with Helena to navigate a change in perspective at your current workplace, or pivot your career to a completely new direction.

Together you will uncover how your personality type determines your professional communication style and interpersonal interactions. Discover what work-related challenges need to be addressed for progression to be possible, inform your goals with your core values, and decide what holistic changes can be made to maximize growth in your professional world.

Our 3 month package includes:

  • Weekly hour long face-to-face visits (‘walk alongs’ if you prefer to have these visits on the go)
  • Two email check-ins per week
  • Minutes from each in-person visit to reflect on, with actionable points to work on before the next week
  • Monthly progress summaries including what has been worked on, what’s up ahead - a great overview of what you have accomplished and are accomplishing during your 3 month package


Next steps

We will contact you within 24 hours of quote acceptance to settle on a suitable time for your first coaching session.

During this first session, you’ll agree on what days and times work for your weekly face-to-face visits, and map out the direction your 3 month journey will take.


  • We require payment in full prior to your first session
  • We accept payment via check, cash, card, or online banking

Terms and conditions

  • Prices outlined above are for the full 3 month package. No partial pricing is available.
  • Price is not applicable in conjunction with any deals or offers.
  • If for any reason you need to reschedule any of your visit dates or times, we politely request at least 48 hours notice.

Why Full Flight?

Full Flight was founded in 1991 by a team of experienced, passionate, and inspired life coaches, each driven by positively impacting the lives of others with compassion and knowledge-based support.

All our life coaches are 100% board certified by national standards, and have undertaken years of training to provide services of the utmost professional quality.

Our coaches have worked with executives, sports people, artists, new parents, and more. Whatever new challenges lie ahead, armed with appropriate support, information, and guidance, you’re guaranteed to succeed.


Simply the best investment I’ve made in personal and professional growth. Empowered by the support of a life coach I was able to successfully work through professional rut I was in, transitioning to an entirely new career… Show More
by Sophia Turner
I would recommend to all! Working with a life coach might sound like an unnecessary expense or too new-agey to be applied to your career, but the focus and guidance that life coaching provides is second to none.
by Gary Hunter
Believe the hype! After being out of the workforce for some years, I wanted to ensure my re-entry to working life was purposeful, and maximize my potential. With the help of a life coach I was able to navigate the perfect next step in my career!
by Anna Burton

Career Development Package

Total $3,200.00
Quotient. Simply Smarter Quotes.Quotient. Simply Smarter Quotes.