Your customers are going to love Quotient, too

It all starts when your customers receive an email with a personalized link to view their quote. Your quote will open perfectly on any device — no downloads or installations required.

New Quote Email

Great looking Quotes with a competitive edge

Your quotes will look professional, and sending them via email makes it easier for your customers to do business with you. This streamlined process can give you the edge you need over competitors.

Easily add images, files, or links directly to your quotes, providing your customers with everything they need to make informed decisions.

Engaging price quote

Let your customers choose with Optional or Multiple Choice Items

Mark items as optional, and the total price updates in real-time as customers make selections. This simplifies upselling or offering alternatives, cutting down on back-and-forth emails.

Set up multiple-choice items if needed, and allow customers to adjust quantities for editable items.

An example of an optional price item

Discuss the offer directly on the Quote

When customers have questions, they can post them directly on the quote. Your responses will create a clear “paper trail” throughout the sales process, so your entire team stays in sync.

An example of questions and answers in the discussion section of a quote

Close the deal – lock it in!

After putting in the work, your customer is ready to move forward. Quotient makes it easy for them to accept your quote, giving you peace of mind knowing the details are finalized.

A simple click on the “Accept Quote” button turns the agreement into a legally binding deal.

Showing how simple it is for a customer to accept the quote

Add eSignatures and sign easily from any device

No more hassle with signing documents using a mouse. With Quotient’s touch device feature, signing is simpler and more convenient than ever. Customers can click “Sign from a touch device,” follow the instructions, and their signature is automatically added to the quote.

eSignatures on Quotes

Creating quotes is as easy as 1… 2… Send!

Quoting doesn’t need to be complicated or time-consuming. With Quotient, you can do it all from one screen. Just look up a contact, add a title, enter your items, and you’re good to go.

A single step quote creation process

Make your perfect Quote a Template

Once you’ve created a few quotes, you can turn your best one into a template. This makes it even faster to generate your next quote.

You can also save individual items in your content library for quick lookup when building new Quotes or Templates.

Quote templates are a quote creation time saver

Get notified and know when to follow-up

Knowing when and how many times a customer has viewed your quote is like having a superpower. You can follow up with perfect timing, ensuring excellent customer service.

Quotient also has a built-in follow-up system, notifying you of aging deals right on your Dashboard, helping you automate the sales process.

See how many times your customer has opened the quote

The Dashboard – Everything in one place

Everything you need is right on your Dashboard. See the most recent Quotes, questions, and notifications — all in one glance. From there, you can dive deeper for more detail.

An example of your Quotient Dashboard

People-Friendly Analytics

Your Dashboard’s stats give you clear, easy-to-understand insights into your sales performance. No complicated reports—just meaningful data that helps you stay on track.

Dashboard analytics example

Search and view all your Quotes

All your past quotes are searchable and accessible, even if a deal didn’t go through. You’ll never lose a quote again.

Quote search example

Simple layout options to look like a pro

Make your quotes reflect your brand by choosing a layout option that suits your style. Colors can be automatically selected from your logo, helping your quotes stand out and look professional. Explore our quote templates for inspiration.

An example of the many quote layout options

Effortlessly Collect Reviews and Feedback

Quotient automates the process of requesting reviews or feedback after a job is complete. You can even feature your best 5-star reviews directly on your quotes.

3 of your best reviews displayed on your Quote

Capture and Convert Leads

With Quotient Leads, potential customers can send new requests directly to you online, ready to be turned into Quotes. You can share your Lead Form with customers or embed it in your website using simple HTML.

Your Quotient Lead Form

Empower your team

Quotient is easy to use and quick to learn, making onboarding a breeze. Your team can even communicate privately on quotes, which is ideal when multiple people are handling the same customer or need to reference past work.

Quotient is perfect for teams, like this one

Works seamlessly on any device

Quotient works consistently across all devices, so there’s nothing extra to download or learn. The experience on mobile is frustration-free, with no compromise on quality.

Quotient is online software, compatible with any device or web browser

Quotient integrates with your favorite Apps

Extend your sales process by connecting Quotient to other apps—no developer needed.

You can send invoices to your accounting software or look up contacts from your favorite CRM. No more copying and pasting! Learn more…

An overview of some of Quotient’s integration partners
Try Quotient for free No credit card required