Pricing Made Easy

Unlimited number of quotes and support!


1 Team Member only
per month


2-5 Team Members included
per month

Pricing is in USD

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes, you can easily cancel at any time. There is no lock-in, and you’re free to cancel whenever you need to. If you decide to cancel, you won’t be charged any further fees.

What’s the cost for more than 5 Team Members?

5 Team Members are included in the Team plan. Additional Team Members are $8 USD each, per month. For example, if you have 7 users, you will ONLY be charged for 2 additional users.

How do I change my plan?

Your plan will be automatically upgraded or downgraded, when adding or removing Team Members. You can see your plan & pricing at any time in Billing.

Is there a referral program?

Yes there is! As a customer of Quotient, you get a personal referral link. Share with friends and earn $100 in credit. Learn more about referrals.

Is there a discount for multiple accounts?

Yes, you’ll get a 20% discount across all accounts if you have two or more.

Join thousands of happy paying customers

“‘The Competitive Advantage.’ I love Quotient. I knock out estimates faster than I ever have and our acceptance rate has jumped to over 90%! The ability to add images and PDFs to Items allows my Quotes to include enough information for the customer to make a decision without calling me multiple times with questions. Hyperlinks become clickable in the estimate, so my clients can get even more information if they need it. Having the Quote calculate my profitability makes calculating discounts much easier and is adding years to the life of my calculator.

The biggest advantage of using Quotient, however, is the ability to mark Quote Items are required, recommended, or optional. This is, what I believe, the feature that has increased our close ratio the most. We no longer scare clients off with big estimates, but we allow them to add on the features that matter most to them to increase the estimate to match their budget.”

5 out of 5 stars Capterra